ALDORO, a Brazilian company founded in 1976, produces and sells metallic pigments, committed to ethical and sustainability standards in its relationships with partners, employees, suppliers, competitors, communities and the environment, following the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

Correct, respectful and honest conduct.

• Respect and comply with Brazilian legislation, in all areas of scope.

• Recognize people’s dignity, respect their freedom and privacy.

• Do not discriminate against anyone based on race, age, opinion, politics, sex, class association, union membership, social or economic class, family status, pregnancy, religion, sexual orientation, disability, illness or national origin.

• Prohibit and report all types of harassment inside and outside the company.

• Do not employ underage workers, treat employees with dignity and respect.

• Comply with laws, regulations and legal orders.

• Not disclosing confidential information regarding processes, methods, plans and projects.

• Promote fair competition and follow all anti-trust laws and regulations.

• Recognize the protection and conservation of the environment as our social commitment, as well as compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

• Provide and maintain employees with a safe and healthy work environment.

• Conflict of interests

Aldoro recognizes and respects the right of employees to participate in business and other financial activities outside of their work. However, these activities must be lawful and free from conflict with their responsibilities as employees of Aldoro.

Os colaboradores não deverão utilizar indevidamente os recursos ou a influência da Aldoro em benefício próprio, nem prejudicar a reputação ou o bom nome da empresa. Therefore, relationships or activities that may conflict, or appear to conflict, with professional responsibilities or Aldoro’s interests should be avoided.

• How to report violations

Aldoro expects any conflicting situation or violation of this Ethical Conduct to be reported, by any interested public, directly to the representative of the Human Resources Department or through the email

The confidentiality of the information and the preservation of the identity of the people involved are ensured.